Thursday, 1 August 2013

Who are Choose Yourself?

Who are we?

The real names of the people who are behind Choose Yourself are not important, what is important is our message. Currently, there are two people behind Choose Yourself. We call ourselves ★ Star  and ☼ Sun as we are both one of the same. All of our products are for everyone, it does not matter if you are a man or woman, black or white, gay or straight. 

We like to think of ourselves as equalists. We are not feminists and we are not about 'girl power'/'boy power', 'black power'/'white power' or 'gay power'/'straight power'. We are about power to everyone. It is about encouraging everyone to feel happy within themselves and to stop negative stereotypes in todays society. 

We are here to make a difference. 

At Choose Yourself we offer gender neutral clothing and products for any age. 

Here at Choose Yourself, we would like to give the choice back to you, the customer. 

We do not feel that blue should represent boys and pink should represent girls, therefore, all of our clothing comes in a variety of different colours to choose from. We know that people come in different shapes and sizes so for our adult range of clothing we go from small to XXL and our child range goes from 1 years up to 14 years. 

Why are we only gender neutral? We aren't happy with the way certain shops and manufacturers aim different toys and clothing at a certain gender. A colour is a colour, colours don't belong to a gender, they belong to everyone. A toy is a toy and should be played with by any child. We are giving you the opportunity to choose your colours and products without being told this is for a 'girl' or this is for a 'boy'.

If you like what we do then please follow us on Blogger, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

More importantly, if you like what we do then show your support by visiting our website and proudly showing off your Choose Yourself designs.

Who are we? We are Choose Yourself! Join the revolution!

★ Star  and ☼ Sun 

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